HiFi Pig reviews the SIX Star Distribution Block

From the review:

The Six Star was very accurate, especially with vocals and guitars, focusing everything tightly in the soundstage, front sides and rear, such as in the opening track “The Little Swallow” featuring the Gori Women’s Choir from Georgia.

The Six Star certainly gave a very clear and controlled rendition of this somewhat staid performance, showing just how good this mains block is. It really doesn’t add anything, which – after all – is the job of the perfect mains block. With the RFI filter added, the performance was more natural with a more pertinent bass end from the Steinway, and I felt it easier to listen to.

I wouldn’t say the RFI filter is an audible EQ unit, but it does sometimes affect the meaning of the music, and in most cases, I found it made it sound more natural…. The RFI filter does improve mids and bass detail but also has the effect of “controlling” the tops slightly, pulling it into order.

The Six Star is an excellently crafted mains divider offering a low-priced way of powering up all your equipment. On its own it didn’t add nor take away anything from the music, but with the RFI filter created a better noise floor and slightly improved bass handling and detail, and the top was less tizzy.

Build Quality:

Well-constructed design with good ABL sockets and silicone isolation feet.

Sound Quality:

Very tidy and accurate performance.
With the RFI filter added, had improved noise floor and soundstage clarity, especially in the mid frequencies

Value For Money:

£669 as the starting point for a C14 IEC socket 6-way block is indeed very good value

We Loved:

Tidy performance adding nothing to the sound.
Excellent build and design
Improved bass detail from the optional RFI filter
Good quality silicone feet

We didn’t Love so much:

Nothing at this price.

reviewer: Janine Elliot https://www.hifipig.com/connected-fidelity-six-star-distribution-block/ 

Michael Osborn

Bringing you closer to the music you love with Audiophile Fuses, RF filters, cables, power distribution and more fundamental electronics such as balanced power supplies.


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